Silva rerum

The moment of rest after the presentation

Judge: Jessie Borregaard Madsen (DK).

Braden won Best Veteran in Breed.

Starsi panowie dwaj

Judge: Grzegorz Weron (PL)

Braden left the ring as the Veteran Winner and Best Veteran in Breed.

09.09.2018 National Show in Warsaw – BOB Veteran and BOB

Judge: Leen van Genechten (BE)

Braden ran in Veteran Class and won BOB Veteran and BOB.

It is so hot. All friends at home and there is nobody to brag about my Res. CACIB

Judge: Eva Liljekvist Borg (SE)

Braden run in Champion Class and won exc. 1, CAC and Res. CACIB.

Do you know that our first cocker spaniel was born here

I showed Braden the house where our first English cocker spaniel was born on October, 1977. We bought him rather casually instead of planned red bitch. That way our cocker adventure started.

Niedziela, 25.09.2016.

At the palace fountain

We drove for a short excursion on the last September Saturday. The town is rather not interested for dogs but fortunately there is palace in the centre with the park around.

Judge: Tina Peixoto (P)

Braden run in Champion Class and won  exc. 1, CAC, CACIB and BOS.

23.07.2016 International Show in Częstochowa - CAC, CACIB, Best Dog

Judge: Tatjana Urek (SLO)

Braden run in Champion class and got: exc. 1, CAC, CACIB, Best Dog.


Zaprojektowany przez Jakuba Kubickiego klasycystyczny pałac w Młochowie

Dotarliśmy z Bradenem do Młochowa z pięknym i rozległym parkiem i pałacem zaprojektowanym przez Jakuba Kubickiego, znanego przede wszystkim z nadania Belwederowi jego obecnego kształtu i zaprojektowania "arkad Kubickiego" pod Zamkiem Królewskim w Warszawie.
