Silva rerum

In front of the palace in Dłużew. On right local mongrel who clearly treated Braden as an intruder

We went with Braden to Dłużew, where years ago with his predecessor  Gawin we watched a beautiful park on Świder river.

This time it did not work. A slightly jagged mongrel appeared, who recognized Braden as an intruder and forced us to go away.

On Line vom Schloss Hellenstein, Radom 2015, dosk.1, CWC (CAC) i BOS

Judge: Dusko Piljevic (SRB).
Braden was shown in Champion Class and got exc.1, CWC (CAC) and BOS.

11.07.2015 CACIB i nominacja na Crufts 2016 (CACIB and qualification for Crufts 2016)

Judge: Andrzej Szutkiewicz (PL)

Braden was shown in Champion Class and got exc. 1 with CWC (CAC), CACIB, BOS and qualification for Crufts 2016.

He feels appreciated.

Podziwiajcie mnie/Be proud of me

Judge: Manuel Loureiro Borges (PT)

Braden was shown in Champion Class and got exc. 1 and CAC.

Mamy swoje tajemnice (We have our secrets)

The trip to Dłużew was planned — stroll through the palace park and hike in the surrounding meadows and forests, but the weather was uncertain. The day was rather cloudy so we drove closer to Zalesie Górne to walk through the forest nearby.

Dobre miejsce do prezentacji. Dobrze, że ścięli to drzewo. / Good place to show myself. That's nice, they chopped down this tree.

Judge: Viera Vitkowa (SK)

Braden got: Res. CACIB.

Poznań Show was the most expensive this year. Apart from the show fee and 50 zł for the parking there were highway fees 9,90 zł + 16,00 zł + 16,0 zł = 41,90 zł one way. Go to hell!

This Res. CACIB was rather expensive.

Po wystawie trzeba odetchnąć (It is necessary to take a rest after Show)

Judge: Krystyna Opara (PL)

Braden got: exc. 1, CWC (CAC) and Best Dog.

The weather was really nice, the day was sunny but not too hot. Dogs were judged gently and smoothly in nice relaxing atmosphere.

Braden po zdobyciu Res. CACIB-u zażyczył sobie pamiątkową fotografię (CACIB winner Braden asked for commemorative photo)

Judge: Grzegorz Weron (PL)

This time Braden got Res. CACIB.

Jestem bardzo dumny z CACIB-u (I am very proud of my CACIB)

Judge: Elena Adamovskaya (RUS)

Braden was shown in Champion Class and won: exc. 1 with CWC (CAC), CACIB i BOS.

Czy pobawisz się ze mną? (Would you like to play with me?)

We planned to show Braden in Kielce and began to prepare him for that already at the beginning of November. The International Show is an important event, isn't it?

But future is always unpredictable. We set out from Warsaw early in the mornimng but the alternator in my car broke down soon and we have to come back home. Instead of unning on the ring Braden had to run and play with his bitch friend in the neighbourhood.
