16.06.2013 International Show in Cracow

Posted: November 16, 2013

Res CACIB - Kraków 16 maja 2013
His Doggy Majesty Braden

Judge: Rudy Feyaerts (B)

Braden was shown in Champion Class. He got exc.1 with CWC (CAC) and won Res. CACIB.

The next Show and next great joy, since Braden likes to be presented. Seeing the judge, he began to wag his tail to express his happiness. It was his way to attract judge's attention as if he knew that the result could depend on that.

And, as often, he was right — he got Res. CACIB.


Res. CACIB - Kraków/Cracow 16.06.2013
Res. CACIB - Kraków/Cracow 16.06.2013
Res. CACIB - Kraków/Cracow 16.06.2013
Res. CACIB - Kraków/Cracow 16.06.2013